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Remote Power Stand Alone System Using Solar-Wind-Biomass Energy

ABSTRACT- Due to the limited reserves of fossil fuels and global environmental concerns for the production of electrical power generation and utilization, it is very necessary to use renewable energy sources. By use of hybrid systems we can implement renewable energy sources which are very economical for remote villages, homes etc. In particular, rapid advances in wind-turbine generator, biomass generator and photovoltaic technologies have brought opportunities for the utilization of wind and solar resources for electric power generation world-wide .So by the use of hybrid systems consisting of Biomass, PV and also wind for production of electrical energy in these remote areas can be more economical. If the development of a computer-based approach for evaluating, the general performance of standalone hybrid PV- Biomass-wind generating systems are analyzed ,then these results are useful for developing and installing hybrid systems in remote areas This paper focuses the economical consideration and simulation approach for a standalone hybrid systems having PV, wind and Biomass for electrical production in remote areas. In this paper we are taken the average solar radiation, quantity of biomass, average wind speed for the remote area for prediction of general performance of the generating system.


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