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All electronic circuits need dc power supply from battery or power pack units.It may be economical anc convenient to depend upon battery power supply.hence, many electronic equipment contain circuits which convert ac supply into dc voltage at the required level.The unit containing these circuits is called Linear Mode Power Supply(LMPS).In certain applications, dc to dc conversion is required. Such a power supply unit that converts dc to ac or to dc is called Switch Mode Power Supply.


It is defined as an electronic device used for converting ac voltage into pulse rating dc voltage.It consist of PN junction diode which is polarity sensitive.when the diode is in forward bias, the diode 'D' conducts and allows the current to flow through it. It without any resistance i.e diode is on state.
When the diode is in reverse bias it doesn't conducts then no current flows through it, i.e diode is in 'off' state providing a blocking function.thus the ideal diode acts as a switch, either open or close depending upon the polarities(bias) of the voltage across it. An ideal diode has zero resistance under forward bias and under reverse bias having infinite resistance.
Rectifiers are classified into different types:
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